What is Fatigue?
Fatigue is the general term used to describe physical and/or mental weariness which extends beyond normal tiredness.
Physical fatigue concerns the inability to exert force with ones muscles to the degree that would be expected. It may be an overall tiredness of the whole body, or be confined to particular muscle groups. Physical fatigue most commonly results from physical exercise or loss of sleep. Physical fatigue often leads to mental fatigue.
Mental fatigue, which may include sleepiness, concerns a general decrease of attention and ability to perform complex, or even quite simple tasks with customary efficiency. Mental fatigue often results from loss or interruption of the normal sleep pattern and is therefore of great concern to pilots and ATCOs, who are frequently required to work early in the morning or at night.
Having looked at the above definition, it must be pretty obvious that this is a cause of immense concern given the current situation in the world with COVID-19 Lockdowns/ Quarantines. There are many symptoms of mental health for people to be careful about - like social distancing(Isolation) or lack of assurance etc. These mental health issues when prolonged could lead to fatigue.
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Health Meme - Source: www.pintrest.com |
Now how am I qualified to talk about it? Well I have been in depression before and overcame it and successfully went on to qualify for my Pilot License and hence can give a brief insight.
Even before starting my Pilot training, I was earlier a Software Engineer working and having a decent life in London, UK. However due to personal issues and work related stresses together led me to become low-spirited and decided to return back to India. I undertook professional help (medical professionals and counselling) and recovered back. As part of the counselling, we explored what would make me very happy and one thing which was always there in my heart was to become a Pilot and thus I decided to embark on changing my career. However to become a Pilot, one must be both physically and mentally fit! So I approached an Aviation Medical Practioner to consult whether “At my age and recent mental health episode, if I could qualify for Pilot Fitness?” - to which I got a positive response and rest is me working hard to make my dream come true.
Later again after successfully completing my Pilot License and Multi-Engine endorsement training, I was struggling to find the right kind of job for me as there were age restriction of 35 for many entry level Pilot jobs in India - which I just crossed. I tried many other ways to improve my chances to become employed but was not succeeding - which again was causing me anxiety. However, I could recognise the symptoms early as I had previously seen them and hence immediately rushed to get help. Counselling helped me again to quickly realise my groove and was back in no time. At this juncture to my delight, the job scene for Pilots was improving and saw few ads which offered promise for me. I started applying to all and finally was successful in tests, interviews and thus getting a Letter of Intent from a leading airline in Asia! After completing the required Type Rating program, the induction got delayed which now is likely to get pushed further due to COVID-19 :(. Hence this attempt at trying to beat the crisis by educating all on how it can be handled.
Now, I would put forward the steps taken by me to overcome - from which you’ll can gleam and customise it according to your personal needs and interests.
Firstly, one must try to hone your instincts to identify your own behaviour patterns, likes and dislikes. This is not an easy task! Also, one cant be perfect in identifying his own states that well. Hence, its always better to seek HELP! Help can be obtained from family members/friends etc. But best Help can be obtained from a professional mental health expert.
The ways I try to notice patterns are like eating habits - am I over or under eating? My speed and ability to do certain tasks - like speed of doing some familiar exercises - is it at an average speed or under?, sleeping habits - is it over or less?, screen time on devices - is it excessive? Given current lockdown, we cannot but do away with screen time - however, its important to give well balanced breaks. Also listening to friends or family joking or telling you about our behavioural change - this is difficult to grasp but one such way to start introspecting.
Next, Formulate a good time-table or routine to follow for the day. This helps the mind to be consciously active rather than just getting carried away with whatever activity you are engaged in. Try to follow it.
Make it a point to exercise for sure - its essential. It keeps the body active and sharp. However, its best kept at a moderate level - avoid over exercising to reach some target weight goals etc. Because strict targets would mean fixation on that target which could lead to some sacrifices for mental well being. Best is to do some form of mild exercises like walking/ yoga/ meditation/ short 30 minutes preferred workouts/dance.
Cultivate some time towards your hobby - some form like music/art/cooking/philately etc.
Learn a new language. You can either learn another Indian language or international languages like Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic etc. I learnt French when I was struggling to find opportunities.
Eat a balanced diet. This means combine well both healthy foods and an occasional comfort food/cravings. This keeps both body and mind happy.
Maximise efforts to be in cheerful moods. This is the key! So whatever works for you to be happy - pursue it. Maybe a comic film or watching standup comedies or just speaking to some jolly good friend of yours!
Keep away from negativity. There is plenty of it all over currently - Try to channelise efforts to stay away from it.
Despite your best efforts if you are unable to hold fort, do seek HELP. Prefer professional help over family members as family members could be biased.
Try to avoid consuming alcohol - which universally the society prescribes to elevate your moods. It is only a temporary effect and does not solve the problem and hence may lead to more craving for alcohol - potentially leading to abuse.
Speak about Mental Health issues openly. This is very much a necessity. I do know it is considered quite Taboo and is Stigmatised. Trust me, I discovered it myself - Many of your close friends or relatives might distance themselves. It did happen to me and the way I look at it is - It helped me discover my true friends who really stand by you. You can easily cut down your close friends list and know which relatives you can fall back for support!
This Speaking about Mental Health issues openly is now encouraged as Good practice the world wide - However, its a tricky situation in the world of Aviation. The state is Damned if You Do - Damned if you Don’t!
To Support the argument of Damned if you Do:
Being labelled with a "mental health problem" in aviation might have consequences, including stigma and discrimination (perceived and real); grounding; additional costs, including costs associated with examinations and treatment to obtain/maintain medical certification; loss of income; and fear of loss of employment. Possible outcomes of being diagnosed with a mental health problem include self-esteem and self-confidence issues; reluctance to seek help due to medical confidentiality matters; seeking help, but declining treatment; obtaining treatment but failing to disclose the condition or treatment; having peers be hesitant to report concerns to an employer/regulatory authorities; increasing stress and isolation; experiencing adverse effects on the progress of a mental disorder and/or the exacerbation of symptoms. All of these situations can lead to an increased risk to aviation safety, and, in extreme cases, to, Pilot Suicide .
To Support the argument of Damned if you Don’t:
Is the classic aviation accident of GermanWings Flight 9525.
The above riddle is true and valid throughout the world. Given the current low in aviation due to lockdowns throughout the world, Proper and thorough steps and balances should be finalised and put in place to avoid and hardship or delays with Pilot Medical’s/Job Opportunites for the one who declares and an easy mitigation plans for Employers, Doctors, Regulatory Authorities alike!
Having said the above, many would like to know how I went about it. Here, Professional Help I took came in very handy. I did discuss the above related to my strict licensing requirements and they do suggest the best way forward for me. They understand the gravity of situation better and advice accordingly. The whole point of all the regulations is not to further cause agony to a person who recovered from mental Heath issues. I did take the path discussed and I prefer going the path of speaking openly on my mental health issues - which I did inform in my job interviews as well. Even employers would prefer someone who is open and forthcoming in disclosing about the mental health issues and taking the right remedy rather than hiding things in dark.
Hope the above is thought provoking and aids you in taking good steps for your mental well being!
Most definitions/theory has been obtained from SKYbrary an online wiki for Aviation. It requires publication of source and credits mentioned - www.skybrary.aero.